BIo summary
Sujinda Areepong ( Jaew )
Executive Coach
Sujinda’s style is empathetic while challenging. She believes in helping people develop their strengths rather than putting an effort to fill their weaknesses; people who attempt to close gaps seldom succeed. She is able to help individuals and teams to identify their key strengths and work on them to become success as authentic leaders. She encourages the risk-taking that is required to increase self-awareness and personal growth. As a consultant she knows from experience that effective and enduring behavioral and organizational change requires a partnership between the coach and the client, built on trust and communication. Having worked with both Thai and multinational organizations, she has been able to experience the richness of diverse cultures operating here in Thailand. This background has developed within her the ability to connect with many different people.
Sujinda has led or been deeply involved with a number of HR &OD projects including the establishment of corporate culture, performance management system, people/ learning & development, leadership development, change/ transformation management, facilitation and team coaching.
Email : [email protected]